Photo Quality

Quality of photo involves many factors, but generally there are 2 factors make a good photo, which are technical aspect and visual aspect. In this article, writer will describe these aspects with a couple of examples.

Learning photographic is easy, start taking a simple object with a simple technique so that you could make a focus and sharp photo. Beside that, we should try to shoot fast and accurate, because nice moment happend fast. After mastering simple techinques, step up to more complex technique and variation. Just dig your potential, and one day you will make a good photo that you could proud of

Technical aspect

this aspect relates to photo quality, line, and color. Image and dynamic line with variuos nice colors represent a simple technical aspect. Try to shoot a simple object around us such like glass or something else. Make the object we shoot has maximum focus and sharp. After taking shot, check the result through PC or you can print it. Check the details of the photo. If the object looks sharp and focus, well you already know about taking a good photo. But don't be satisfied yet, keep up practising by taking another object with many angles.

Lamp is a simple object we could shoot. We could use it to practise taking shoots with various angles, also try to have a sharp and focus image
(image copyright : Arief Kamajaya)

Visual Aspect

Visual Aspect relates to photo's object, or the object we shoot. There are many object we could try to shoot, don't have to go far, just look around the house, you will find plenty objects that you could shoot as a subject for your photo. Our family, things inside the house, animal's expression, our pets, and so on.

Photo above describes a tradional market. Object captured are man and market situation. Deep prespective of the photo could be seen by several kiosks form a 'straight line'. The masrket's atmosphere is distincly seen by man and goods
(image copyright : Arief Kamajaya)

Ok, keep practising and happy photo hunting...

Medan 26th of March 2006

By : Arief Kamajaya, freelance photographer


Choosing Digital Camera Tips

There are various type of digital cameras out there, from low to high price, from low features to complete features. No doubt we must be careful when deciding to pick digicam that match with the need and budget. Well, here are few things tobe considered before buying digicam ....


Make up your mind, gonna use digicam or DSLR. Actually, digicam non SLR could be divided tobe : 'consumer digicam' and 'prosumer digicam'. But in this article, writer decide to call them as 'digicam'.
For Consiseness, it is better if you choose digicam. There plenty type and branded of digicams. Names are Sony, Canon, Nikon are leading the market. This type of camera has fully automatic setting to take photo while manual setting is available too. For some people who don't want tobe confused by various setting before take a shot, this features is gonna make them happy. And additional feature to this digicam is the ability to record moving image (movie) with various format file. The result of course could be playback with your player or PC.

Note that this type of camera has fix lens, which mean that you cannot change the lens at all, what you can do to maximize the ability of the lens is to use a converter and attach additional lens.
For those who want a maximum quality photo, well they could pick DSLR (Digital Single Reflect Lens). With this type of camera, you could explore many possibilities about taking photo, its benefit is the image quality, wide range of ISO you could pick, many accessories available. The most important factor, DSLR camera is changeable lens. There are so many kind of lens out there that you could use with your DSLR, from wide lens, ultra wide lens, zoom lens, or macro lens. The bad news about this camera is its size. This kind of camera has a big body and not practical at all.


What do we buy digical camera for?
is it for documentation of an event or for more proffesional purpose?
For taking a snapshot, recreation, or simple documentation of event, ordinary digicam is enought. you will not be bothered by the size or the weight of the camera. Even tough its still possible to do all the documentation mentioned above using DSLR, but from the practical side, the price you pay is too high

Generally, DSLR is use for hoby or proffesional activity. People using this camera consider that taking shot is not 'point and shoot', there are many factors tobe set, that is why they take wonderful pictures, art image, or dramatical event. Their image could 'talk' or 'tell story'...


Resolution capacity of a camera is known as megapixel (MP). For normal quality image, 2 megapixels or less image is enough for documentation purposes. But for printing or publishing purpose, the image should 6 megapixels or more to keep the quality of the image maximize
Less megapixels capasity usually found on lowend digital camera, while more capasity is supported by highend digital camera such like DSLR. But these days, there is digicam that reach above 6 megapixel capacity yet it's not DSLR.

Also, Additional source such like finding information or article about digital camera would be nice. There are many review about digital camera in magazines or websites. This information could be held by us before deciding which camera we're gonna pick. The reviews usually contain many subjects, from design, technology, image quality, price, performance, and so on.
Ok good luck for you, have a nice camera hunt....

Medan, 25th of March 2006

by : Arief Kamajaya, freelance photographer



What kind of camera do you use? Is it a point 'n shoot camera? or prosumer camera?, or even an SLR camera? Almost averybody has camera these days, espesially digital one since it's getting cheap with no additional cost you have to pay, such like film or printing to see images you've taken. But, no matter what camera you use, I am sure you would use the camera to capture nice view, to celebrate something, record unforgetable moment, or anything else. Definitely that camera has made your life more fun and colorful.

Digicam or Digital Camera made doing photographic stuff become alot easier. We could take as many as pictures without having to worry you'll be running out of film, you could see the result just in a moment after taking shot, and when you don't like a pict you've taken, just delete it. It's so simple.

We provide tips and tricks around camera in this blog, factors tobe considered before buying camera you like, and so on. We try to explain photographic thing as easy as possible tobe understood by rookie or beginner. There will be alot of explanations about digital camera, but it doesnt mean the article could not be applied to film camera. Principlly, the difference between digital camera and film camera is where the image store. Digital camera uses storage device to store images or well known as : memory card, while film camera uses film to store images.


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